G. Geoffrey Vining
- Ph.D. Statistics - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1988
- M.S. Statistics - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1986
- B.A. Philosophy - University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1981
Awards & Honors
- Editor-in-Chief, Quality Engineering (2009 – 2010)
- Editor, Journal of Quality Technology (1998-2000); Editor-Elect (1997).
- 2010 Shewhart Medal, the ASQ career award given annually to the person not previously so honored who has demonstrated the most outstanding technical leadership in the field of modern quality control, especially through the development to its theory, principles, and techniques.
- 1990 Brumbaugh Award for the paper published in an American Society for Quality Control journal which has made the greatest contribution to the development of industrial applications of quality control.
- 2011 William G. Hunter Award by the American Society for Quality Statistics Division for excellence in statistics as a communicator, a consultant, an educator, an innovator, an integrator of statistics with other disciplines and an implementer who obtains meaningful results.
- 2006 Lloyd Nelson Award by the American Society for Quality Statistics Division for the paper published in the Journal of Quality Technology in the previous year that had the greatest immediate impact to practitioners.
- 2013 NASA Engineering and Safety Center Engineering Excellence Award in recognition of engineering excellence and dedication to continuously improve and stretch boundaries in mathematical analysis of real data and efficient test planning in support of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center.
- 2000 Youden Address, ASA – ASQ Fall Technical Conference
- A 2011 NESC (NASA Engineering Safety Council) Group Achievement Award for the Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel (COPV) Reliability Analysis Subteam: in recognition of outstanding contributions in the cross-functional problem-solving and methods development during this task. Also receiving the award were two people who worked on the project as graduate students, Laura Freeman and Matt Williams.
- A 1993 Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award, University of Florida.
- A 1990 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Award.
- Fellow of the American Statistical Association (Elected in 2001).
- Fellow of the American Society for Quality (Elected in 2001).
- Academician, International Academy for Quality (Elected in 2010)
- Elected Member, International Statistical Institute (Elected in 2005)
Professional Memberships
- American Statistical Association
- American Society for Quality
Graduate Level
- Applied Statistical Methods
- Design and Analysis of Experiments I
- Statistical Methods for Industrial Practice
- Statistical Methods in Social Research I
- Analysis of Multivariate Data
- Regression Analysis
- Reliability
- Response Surface Design and Analysis I
- Response Surface Design and Analysis II
- Theory of Linear Models
- Structured Process Improvement (Six Sigma)
Undergraduate Level
- Introduction to Statistics I
- Introduction to Statistics I, Honors Section
- Statistics for Business Decisions
- Engineering Statistics
- Regression Analysis
- Design of Experiments
- Mathematical Statistics I
- Mathematical Statistics II
- Industrial Statistics
- Experimental design and analysis for quality improvement
- Response surface methodology
- Statistical process control
- Vining, G.G. (1998). Statistical Methods for Engineers. Belmont, Ca.: Duxbury Press.
- Vining, G.G. and Kowalski, S.M. (2006). Statistical Methods for Engineers, 2nd ed., Belmont, Ca.: Brooks/Cole. (2011) 3rd ed., Boston, Ma: Brooks/Cole.
- Park, S.H. and Vining, G.G., Editors. (1999). Statistical Monitoring and Optimization for Process Control. New York: Marcel Dekker.
- Montgomery, D.C., Peck, E.A., and Vining, G.G. (2001).Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley. (2006) 4th ed. (2012) 5th ed. (in press).
- Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C., and Vining, G.G. (2002). Generalized Linear Models with Applications in Engineering and Science, New York: John Wiley.
- Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C., Vining, G.G., and Robinson, T.J. (2011). Generalized Linear Models with Applications in Engineering and Science 2nd ed., New York: John Wiley.
- Vining, G.G. and Myers, R.H. (1990). “Combining Taguchi and Response Surface Philosophies: A Dual Response Approach,” Journal of Quality Technology, 22, pp 38-45.
- Khuri, A.I. and Vining, G.G. (1991). “Conditions Required for the Mean Response to Fall Within Specified Bounds,” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 28, pp 125-136.
- Vining, G.G. and Myers, R.H. (1991). “A Graphical Approach for Evaluating Response Surface Designs in Terms of the Mean Squared Error of Prediction,”Technometrics, 33, pp 315-326.
- Myers, R.H., Vining, G.G., Giovannitti-Jensen, A., and Myers, S.L. (1992). “Variance Dispersion Properties of Second-Order Response Designs,” Journal of Quality Technology, 24, pp 1-11.
- Myers, R.H., Khuri, A.I., and Vining, G.G. (1992). “Response Surface Alternatives to the Taguchi Approach,” American Statistician, 46, pp 131-139.
- Myers, R.H. and Vining, G.G. (1992). “Taguchi's Robust Parameter Design,” V.N. Nair, ed. Technometrics, 34, pp 132-135, 144, 148, 159.
- Vining, G.G., Cornell, J.A., and Myers, R.H. (1993). “A Graphical Approach for Evaluating Mixture Designs,” Applied Statistics, 42, pp 127-138.
- Vining, G.G. (1993). “A Computer Program for Generating Variance Dispersion Graphs,” Journal of Quality Technology, 25, 45-60.
- Cornell, J.A., Randles, R.H., and Vining, G.G. (1995). “Challenges in Teaching Short Courses by an Academic Department: The University of Florida Experience,” American Statistician, 49, 195-200.
- Vining, G.G. and Schaub, D. (1996). “Experimental Designs for Estimating Both Mean and Variance Functions,” Journal of Quality Technology, 28, 135-147.
- Vining, G.G. and O'Donnell, E.M. (1997). “Prediction Properties of the Process Variance Using the Combined Array,” Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control, Lenz, H.J and Wilrich, P.T., eds., pp 253-277.
- O'Donnell, E.M. and Vining, G.G. (1997). “A Mean Squared Error of Prediction Approach to the Analysis of a Combined Array,” Journal of Applied Statistics, 24, 761-774.
- Vining, G.G. and Reynolds, M.R., Jr. (1997), “A Multilevel Sampling Interval Approach to Control Charts,” Journal of Quality Technology, 29, 418-428..
- Vining, G.G. and Bohn, L. (1998). “Response Surfaces for the Mean and the Process Variance Using a Nonparametric Approach,” Journal of Quality Technology, 30, 282-291.
- Vining, G.G. (1998). “A Compromise Approach to Multiresponse Optimization,” Journal of Quality Technology, 30, 309-313.
- Vining, G.G., Schaub, D., Modigh, C. (1999). “Experimental Strategies for Estimating Mean and Variance Functions,” Statistical Monitoring and Optimization for Process Control, Park, S.H. andVining, G.G., eds., 291-304.
- Kowalski, S., Cornell, J.A., and Vining, G.G. (2000). “A New Model and Class of Designs for Mixture Experiments with Process Variables,” Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 29, 2255-2280.
- Kowalski, S. and Vining, G.G (2001). “Split-Plot Experimentation for Process and Quality Improvement,” Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control, 6th ed., Lenz, H.J and Wilrich, P.T., eds., pp. 335-350.
- Kowalski, S., Cornell, J.A., and Vining, G.G. (2002). “Mixture Experiments with Process Variables under Restricted Randomization,” Technometrics, 44, pp. 72-79.
- Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C., Vining, G.G., Kowalski, S.K., Borror, C.M. (2004). “Response Surface Methodology: A Retrospective and Current Literature Survey,” Journal of Quality Technology, 36, pp. 53-77.
- Montgomery, D.C, Myers, R.H., Carter, W.H., Jr., and Vining, G.G. (2005). “The Hierarchy Principle in Designed Industrial Experiments,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21, pp. 197-201.
- Vining, G.G., Kowalski, S.M., and Montgomery, D.C. (2005). “Response Surface Designs within a Split-Plot Structure,” Journal of Quality Technology, 37, pp. 115-129.
- Vining, G.G. and Kowalski, S.M. (2006). “An Overview of Composite Designs Run as Split-Plots,” Frontiers in Intelligent Statistical Quality Control, 8th ed., Lenz, H.J. and Wilrich, P.T., eds., pp. 342-351.
- Parker, P.A., Kowalski, S.M., and Vining, G.G. (2006). “Classes of Split-Plot Response Surface Designs for Equivalent Estimation,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 22, pp. 291-305.
- Kowalski, S.M., Vining, G.G., Montgomery, D.C., and Borror, C.M. (2006). “Modifying a Central Composite Design to Model the Process Mean and Variance when There are Hard-to-Change Factors,” Applied Statistics, 55, pp. 615-630.
- Vining, G.G. (2007). “Adapting Response Surface Methodology for Computer and Simulation Experiments,” The Grammar of Technology Development, Tsubaki, H., Nishina, K., Yamada, S. eds., pp. 127-134.
- Kowalski, S.M., Parker, P.A., and Vining, G.G. (2007). “Tutorial on Split-Plot Experiments,” Quality Engineering, 19, pp. 1-15.
- Parker, P.A., Kowalski, S.M., and Vining, G.G. (2007). “Construction of Balanced Equivalent Estimation Second-Order Split-Plot Designs,” Technometrics, 49, pp 56-65.
- Parker, P.A., Kowalski, S.M., and Vining, G.G. (2007). “Unbalanced and Minimal Point Equivalent Estimation Second-Order Split-Plot Designs,” Journal of Quality Technology, 39, pp. 376-388.
- Vining, G.G. (2008). “Geoff Vining’s Discussion of ‘Must a Process Be in Statistical Control before Conducting Designed Experiments,” Quality Engineering, 20, pp. 151-153.
- Vining, G.G. and Kowalski, S.M. (2008). “Exact Inference for Response Surface Designs within a Split-Plot Structure,” Journal of Quality Technology, 40, pp. 394-406.
- Wang, L., Kowalski, S.M., and Vining, G.G. (2009). “Orthogonal Blocking of Response Surface Split-Plot Designs,” Journal of Applied Statistics, 36, pp. 303-321.
- Freeman, L.J. and Vining, G.G. (2010). “Reliability Data Analysis for Life Test Expermients with Sub-Sampling," Journal of Quality Technology, 42, pp. 233-241.
- Wang, L., Vining, G.G., and Kowalski, S.M. (2010). “Two-Strata Rotatability in Split-Plot Central Composite Designs ,” Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 26, pp. 431-447, (published online 26 June 2009).
- Parker, P.A., Vining, G.G., Wilson, S.A., Szarka, J. L., III, and Johnson, N.G. (2010). “Prediction Properties of Classical and Inverse Regression for the Simple Linear Calibration Problem,” Journal of Quality Technology, 42, pp. 332-347.
- Vining, G.G. (2012). “Split-Plot Response Surface Designs,” Design and Analysis of Experiments, Volume3: Special Designs and Applications. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Edited by K. Hinkelmann, pp. 471-500.
- Anderson-Cook, C.M. Lu, Lu (editors), Panelists: Clark, G., DeHart, S.P., Hoerl, R., Jones, B., MacKay, R.J., Montgomery, D., Parker, P.A., Simpson, J., Snee, R., Steiner, S.H., Van Mullekom, J., Vining, G.G, and Wilson, A.G. (2012) “Statistical Engineering – Forming the Foundations,” Quality Engineering, 24, pp. 110-132.
- Anderson-Cook, C.M. Lu, Lu (editors), Panelists: Clark, G., DeHart, S.P., Hoerl, R., Jones, B., MacKay, R.J., Montgomery, D., Parker, P.A., Simpson, J., Snee, R., Steiner, S.H., Van Mullekom, J., Vining, G.G, and Wilson, A.G. (2012) “Statistical Engineering – Roles for Statisticians and the Path Forward,” Quality Engineering, 24, pp. 133-152.
- Freeman, L.J. and Vining, G.G. (2013). “Reliability Data Analysis for Life Test Designed Experiments with Sub-Sampling,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 29, pp. 504-519.
- Freeman, L.J., Ryan, A.G., Kensler, J.J.K., Dickinson, R.M., and Vining, G.G. (2013). “A Tutorial on the Planning of Experiments,” Quality Engineering, 25, pp. 315-332.
- Kensler, J.J.K.K., Freeman, L.J., and Vining, G.G. (2014). “A Practitioner’s Guide to Analyzing Reliability Experiments with Random Blocks and Subsampling,” Quality Engineering, 26, pp. 359-369.
- Dickinson, R.M., Olteanu-Roberts, D.A., Ryan, A.G., Woodall, W.H., and Vining, G.G. (2014) “CUSUM Charts for Monitoring the Characteristic Life of Censored Lifetimes,” Journal of Quality Technology, 46, pp 340-358.
- Vining, G.G., Freeman, L.J., Kensler, J.L.K. (2014) “An Overview of Designing Experiments for Reliability Data,” Frontiers in Intelligent Statistical Quality Control, 11th ed., to appear.
- Kensler, J.J.K.K., Freeman, L.J., and Vining, G.G. (2014). “Analysis of Reliability Experiments with Random Blocks and Subsampling,” Jouranl of Quality Technology, to appear.

412 Hutcheson Hall (MC 0439)
250 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg, VA
- 540-231-3337
- vining@vt.edu