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Ana Maria Ortega Villa

Summer Sch Non-VT Fac Teaching
  • Adjunct Professor



Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

  • Ph.D. Statistics, 2015
    • Thesis: Semiparametric modeling
    • of Matched Case-Crossover Studies
  • M.S. Statistics, 2011

Universidad de los Andes - Bogotá, Colombia

  • M.S. Industrial Engineering, 2010
  • B.S.  Industrial Engineering, 2008


Awards & Honors

  • 2015  Jesse C. Arnold Award for Outstanding teaching by a graduate teaching assistant, Virginia Tech
  • 2014  Jesse C. Arnold Award for Outstanding teaching by a graduate teaching assistant, Virginia Tech
  • 2014  Rose Constain Award for Outstanding graduate citizen in the Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech 
  • 2013  Klaus Hinklemann Award for Outstanding service by a graduate student to the statistics department or university, Virginia Tech
  • 2011  Mu Sigma Rho, Statistics Honor Society


  • Ortega-Villa, A.M. and Albert, P.S. (2018) Estimating onset time from longitudinal data in the presence of measurement error with an application to estimating gestational age from maternal anthropometry during pregnancy. In press: Statistics in Medicine.
  • Pugh, S.J., Ortega-Villa, A.M., Grobman W.A., Newman, R.B., Owen, J., Wing, D.A., Albert, P.S., Grantz,K.L. (2018) Estimating gestational age at birth from fundal height and additional anthropometrics: a prospective cohort study. In Press BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
  • Ortega-Villa, A.M., Kim, I., and Kim, H. (2017) Semiparametric time varying coefficient model for matched case-crossover studies, Statistics in Medicine, 36(6), 998-1013.
  • Ortega-Villa, A.M., Albert P.S. and Grantz K.L. (2017) Estimating onset time from longitudinal and cross-sectional data with an application to estimating gestational age from longitudinal maternal anthropometry during pregnancy and neonatal anthropometry at birth. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 181(3), 825-842.
  • Wing D.A., Ortega-Villa, A.M., Grobman, W.A., Hediger, M.L., Grewal, J. Pugh, S.J., Kim, S., Newman R.B., Chien, E., Owen, J., D’Alton M.E., Wapner, R., Sciscione., A., Albert, P.S., Grantz, K.L. (2017) Maternal stress and neonatal anthropometry: the NICHD Fetal Growth Studies, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
  • Pugh, S.J., Hinkle S.N., Ortega-Villa, A.M., Hediger M.L., Grobman W.A., Newman, R.B., Grewal, J., Wing,D.A., Albert, P.S., Grantz, K.L. (2017) Longitudinal changes in maternal anthropometry in relation to neonatal anthropometry. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 216 (1)