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Robert V. Foutz

Professor Emeritus, 1975-2002

Professional Memberships

  • American Statistical Association
  • Institute of Mathematical Statistics

  • Time series analysis
  • Statistical inference

  • Time series analysis
  • Large sample theory
  • Statistical inference


  • Foutz, Robert V. (1977). On the unique consistent solution to likelihood equations. Journal of the American Statistical Association. (Theory and Methods Section) 72, 147-148.
  • Foutz, Robert V. and Lee, Hoonja (2000). Adaptive Fourier series and the analysis of periodicities in time series data. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 21, 649-662.
  • Ramsey, P.J. and Foutz, Robert V. (1996). Asymptotically optimal spectral estimation with applications to small samples. Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. 25, 61-73.
  • Zhang, Nien Fan and Foutz, Robert V. (1989). Estimating partial group delay. Biometrika.76, 57-63.
  • Foutz, Robert V., Jensen, D.R. and Anderson, Gary W. (1985). Multiple comparisons in the randomization analysis of designed experiments with growth curve responses. Biometrics. 41, 29-37.
  • Foutz, Robert V. (1980). A test for goodness-of-fit based on a empirical probability measure. The Annals of Statistics. 8, 989-1001.